
163 Monmouth Road, Oakhurst, NJ
Oakhurst School 

The Oakhurst School, built in 1900 at a cost of $12,000, had four rooms and outside plumbing. The teaching principal was Professor Ralph Busch, who received $700 per year. Electricity was added in 1905. Two more classrooms and an auditorium were added in 1908. In 1912, running water and lavatories were installed. With an enrollment of 210 pupils in 1921, two more classes were added and the present auditorium was constructed at a cost of $25,300. The last addition on the original building was made in 1932 when two classrooms were built over the auditorium. A new wing of eight classrooms was added in 1951.

The school accommodated all the children from Wayside and Oakhurst in grades one to eight from 1900 to 1958. From 1959 to 1978, it was used as a K to 4 and K to 5 grammar school.

Principals serving the Oakhurst School were Busch, Charles J. Strahan, Frank Parker, Jesse Love, Harry Patterson, Estelle Voorhees, Ernest Smith, Richard Randall, John D. Rasp, Donald Vineburg, and Glen Morgan.

In 1978, the building was turned into the school district's administrative offices.